
Lort Smith Pet Therapy

Lort Smith champions the magical relationships people have with animal and witness this daily in their special community Pet Therapy programs. The therapeutic benefits of the human animal bond are well documented, and can include emotional, psychological, physical and spiritual benefits.

The Lort Smith Pet Therapy program has been creating change in communities across Melbourne for more than 30 years, working closely with partners in hospitals, residential homes, schools, and rehabilitation facilities and building a legacy of hope and transformation.

Partnership At A Glance
  • ico relief-aid

    650 comforting pet hours

  • ico hospital

    9 paediatric hospital wards

  • ico gift

    1 meaningful tribute to Jeff

The Lort Smith Pet Therapy teams have more recently been invited to visit children in hospitals as studies around the world have proven that pets, especially dogs, can lessen a child’s anxiety and depression.

Since January 2023, Lort Smith has spent more than 650 hours with children at various health centres including the Royal Children’s Hospital, Monash Children’s Hospital and paediatric units at the Peter McCallum Cancer Centre, The Alfred and The Austin, and has experienced many magical moments where children were able to lose themselves in the company of a loving dog. The visits have provided a great deal of calm and comfort to some of the sickest children in Victoria.


Jeff & Bruno

Jeff and Bruno

This partnership honours the memory of Jeff and his special bond with his dog Bruno.

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